Tropical fish are wonderful to look at. You can get hours of enjoyment watching them dart across the tank and in and out of plants and caves. But, they do require a great deal of care and attention to thrive. This equipment checklist will help you get started. Let’s begin with the basics. Aquarium – Which tank will you buy? What about a complete setup? You may be tempted to buy a small round bowl but that is not going to make your fish happy. Choose the biggest tank that you can afford. This prevents having to upgrade later when you get more fish. They will have to adjust to a new environment all over again. Filtration system – Have you seem people with tanks that haven’t been cleaned in months? You can scrape the muck with a shovel. Without a proper filtering system there is no need to expect your fish to live long. Waste products from fish, plants and other aquarium life need to be regularly removed to maintain the proper balance of pH a...